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New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance

  New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance Finding a new freelance job site with low competition and a high chance of landing gigs can be challenging, as the landscape is constantly evolving. However, here are some platforms that were gaining popularity in the freelance world as of my last knowledge update in September 2021. Keep in mind that the competitive landscape may have changed since then, so it's essential to do your research and stay updated on the latest trends in the freelance job market for 2024. Solid Gigs:  Solid Gigs is a subscription-based service that curates freelance job listings and sends them directly to your inbox. It's designed to save you time by providing quality leads, potentially reducing competition compared to open job boards. We Work Remotely:  While not entirely new, this platform focuses on remote work opportunities. Competition may be lower for specialized skills in industries such as tech, design, and marketing. Craigslist (speci

What Is Freelancing And How To Get Started | Beginners Guide

What Is Freelancing And How To Get Started | Beginners Guide

First of all, freelancing is one of the most popular professions in the modern world. This is an outsourcing job. In other words, freelancing is a profession that is a means of earning money by completing the work within the time given by the company according to the work needs of other domestic or foreign companies.

 This means you are earning income with your hard work and talent. Again this means that the amount you earn is determined by the combination of the budget of the company or the employer and your demand.

What Is Freelancing And How To Get Started | Beginners Guide

 So what is the matter? In that sense, freelancing is a kind of business where freelancing is a beautiful way to get your work done, that is, at what price you sell your talent, or at what price you can sell your talent at auction.

In other words, freelancing is a means of verifying your eligibility criteria. In other words, freelancing is the anti-medium to verify exactly where you are in the court of the world that you claim to be an expert on.

What do freelancers do?

Freelancers take jobs from any company or organization according to their talent. Yes, of course, you have to meet the conditions of the type of job seeker that the company or that particular organization is looking for.

You will receive money in your account after completing the client's job. As a successful freelancer, it will be your responsibility to complete the client's job at the right time with quality.

How do you get started with freelancing?

First, you choose a niche. Niche here refers to the category you will work on. Suppose you want to work on travel. Then you need to have a special experience of travel. You need to have experience on how to write content on travel.

Service selection:

This is very important when it comes to starting freelancing. This decision will move you forward to the next day. For example, if you want to work as a content writer, you need to become proficient in what kind of content you can write on how many topics.

You need to build your credibility

Credibility! The key to your success lies in this little word. You can only succeed in the world of freelancing if you have faith in your work. You need to value your credibility with your client.


This is the subject of a special study. If you are new to freelancing platforms, you will see how many other freelancers are bidding to complete the work in advance of a job mentioned by a client. You have to beat that bid.

 Even if it is a little low budget at first, you have to accept the hardship to get a job. This will help you to get a job later. A lot of times it happens that maybe someone else will do a creative job for less money than you would do. Maybe the quality of his job is not as good as yours, but you have to keep the first bid amount low to get the job.

Build a beautiful portfolio

Your portfolio is your identity in freelancing work. This will give you an idea about you to the client. That’s why you shouldn’t put anything in your portfolio that makes the client suspect that someone might not be able to do the job successfully.

To resolve this issue you need to keep a file in PDF format as proof of your previous work experience.

Cover letter

This is a very important part. When you apply for Fiber or Freelancer or anywhere else, make it trustworthy. After your cover letter, build confidence in your client that the work can be done with this person.


Maintain a normal relationship with any client when contacting you. He should not lose confidence in your words or when chatting with you.

Proficiency in English

You need to be fluent in English. If you have language problems, you will not be able to present yourself properly. In that case, you may be excluded only because of the language.

Job prospects

Currently, the competition for freelancing has increased a lot. However, the number of employers has also increased a lot. The field of work has also increased a lot. That's why the chances of getting a job in the freelancing market are much higher than before.

Due to the high competition, freelancing can now be done at a much lower cost. That's why if you choose a freelancer as a profession, you can easily choose it as a profession in the coming days.

Question and answer 

How do freelancers make a living in India?

A freelancer currently earns good money by freelancing in India. According to statistics from all over India, a freelancer earns up to Rs 20 lakh a year by freelancing.

Can anyone get a job as a freelancer?

If you are a graphic designer or if you are a web developer or if you are a teacher, or if you are a content writer then getting a job is as easy as getting a job if you are a photographer or data, entry operator. You can even become a plumber and get involved in freelancing work.

Is freelance better than a job?

If you are skilled, if you are responsible, if you want to earn a lot of money in your life, if you want to earn income as your boss then I would say freelancing is much better than any job. You can earn a lot more money by freelancing than you earn by working. Also, no one can turn the stick on your work in this profession.


You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Freelancing is a job where you need to be constantly updated. The term freelancing is more familiar now than ever before.

But if you want to get a job on this platform, you have to work hard. An economic and employment crisis around the world has made the profession more competitive. If you want to survive in this profession, first of all, you have to pay attention to your patience. So don't give up, friend. Success will come one day.


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