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New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance

  New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance Finding a new freelance job site with low competition and a high chance of landing gigs can be challenging, as the landscape is constantly evolving. However, here are some platforms that were gaining popularity in the freelance world as of my last knowledge update in September 2021. Keep in mind that the competitive landscape may have changed since then, so it's essential to do your research and stay updated on the latest trends in the freelance job market for 2024. Solid Gigs:  Solid Gigs is a subscription-based service that curates freelance job listings and sends them directly to your inbox. It's designed to save you time by providing quality leads, potentially reducing competition compared to open job boards. We Work Remotely:  While not entirely new, this platform focuses on remote work opportunities. Competition may be lower for specialized skills in industries such as tech, design, and marketing. Craigslist (speci

5 Powerful Freelance Websites For Content Writing Job easily

5 Powerful Freelance Websites For Content Writing Job easily

If you are looking for a reliable freelance website for a content writing job then this post can show you the right direction. You may have spent a lot of time working as a content writer in the online world but you have not found the right website. So I will tell you that if you work with these five websites then you will succeed.

At a glance :

  • iWriter
  • Writer access
  • Contena
  • Pay Per Content
  • writers weekly


iWriter is one of the most important content writing websites. This is ideal for new writers. Here you can use your freelancing skills to earn a lifetime income.

To create an account here, you will need an account with your specific Gmail, username, and password.

Then log in and enter the site.

How does iWriter pay?

See, iWriter divides writers into three levels. Every writing is checked manually. After manually checking, the writing is divided into three levels viz., Standard, Premium, and Elite.

iWriter pays writers 65%. A standard writer earns 2.15 per 500-word article. But an elite-level writer can get 25.35. It depends on the quality of his writing.

iWriter will pay you every week. Via PayPal account. So before you start this kind of work, you need to open a PayPal account.

5 Powerful Freelance Websites For Content Writing Job easily

Beginner Content Writer Caution:

See, you have to work hard to work with this site in mind. If you do not post regularly, if the quality of your writing is very low, if you have been active in your account for 45 consecutive days, then your account will be deactivated. So before creating an account here, make yourself a good content writer. Take a look at the features of good content so that it stays in your content.

iWriter will test your writing with their experts. If your posts are not upgraded after 20 reviews, your account will be completely banned.

Also if you copyright then your writing will be banned. If you write pornography or any other antisocial content, your account will be banned forever. To learn the important skills of writing good content.

Writer access:

Writer Access is a platform where you can order and get the content you need and where you can earn by writing content. Here you can work as a freelancer with an account.

5 Powerful Freelance Websites For Content Writing Job easily

You can choose the talent of your choice from multiple talents. Since you want to be a freelance writer, you will choose the 'Writer' option. Here you can write about general writing, copywriting, comedy writing, blogging, article writing, etc.

Related post:12 Ways How to Start Freelancing Writing


If you want to do a freelance content writing job then Contena is an effective platform. Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for antique items. If necessary, they provide you with various tools. So in addition to earning income by rating content through Contena, you can make yourself stronger.

5 Powerful Freelance Websites For Content Writing Job easily

You don't need to have any training of your own to become a freelance writing business. Contena will train you through her academy. With training from here, you can earn from 70,000 to 100,000 dollars a year.

If you are a new content writer then you can publish content on this site regularly. A content member can get $ 200 to $ 500 from his article.

Pay Per Content:

This is a popular website. From this site, you can earn income by proving your quality by writing content. You can get paid twice a month from this website.

You must first sign up to work here. When you sign up, the company will send an email to your Gmail. That mail will have the process to activate your account. Once your account is activated, you can work here.

Related post: 11 Secrets To Boost Your Article Writing

How to work?

As a freelance content writer, you will be asked to write an article of at least 500 words. Time will be given eight hours. That content will go to the company's review section. If the experts there approve your content, you will get paid for your content. But if not approved, you can rewrite the content. You will be given 24 hours for this. If you are unable to submit within 24 hours, the content will be passed on to another person for submission.


They pay through a PayPal account.

writers weekly:

Writers Weekly is a very old platform. Lots of writers work here. If you are writing about freelancing then you can earn income from this platform. They will pay you $60 for every 600 words. However, they have writing guidelines. The guidelines specify what topics you can write about and what you can't write about. You have to write like that.

They will pay through your PayPal account.

How to create an account:

  • Go to their site and read the whole thing well. See their writing guidelines. Now verify yourself. Choose the type of topic you are an expert on.
  • Now you have to subscribe to their newsletter. Then drop up their contact form. 
  • You have to give the ID of your Facebook page while filling up their contact form. 
  • You need to link to your website on their contact page.
  •  You need to enter your Twitter account ID on their contact page. 

With these, you go to the send option and send the message. Then confirm the newsletter you have subscribed to according to the information received in your mail. okay! Your account is ready! Then there will be mail to write from Writers Weekly.

Sample to apply in message option:


I am Gopinath, I want to work as a freelance content writer on your site. I have read the writer's FAQ mentioned on your website. Hopefully, I can provide freelance content writing services as per your guidelines. So I am requesting to activate my account.

With thanks

Gopinath Ghosh.

Question and Answer:

What are the highest paying freelance writing jobs?

You can make a lot of money from multiple websites. But these five are very popular. However, as your work experience increases, so will your income.

How do I start freelance writing with no experience?

You can take training from websites like Contena or Writers Weekly. These sites provide training by their experts. Also, you don't need experience in content writing here. If your content is good then you can start working.


Freelance content writing jobs will continue. This demand will increase a lot in the future. This is because the use of the internet is increasing day by day. Ordinary people have increased their use of online to collect information, to study, to do business online from home or even for any service. But in that sense, there is a lack of good content writers. That's why if you want to match yourself as a content writer, start now. The competition will intensify tomorrow.


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