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New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance

  New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance Finding a new freelance job site with low competition and a high chance of landing gigs can be challenging, as the landscape is constantly evolving. However, here are some platforms that were gaining popularity in the freelance world as of my last knowledge update in September 2021. Keep in mind that the competitive landscape may have changed since then, so it's essential to do your research and stay updated on the latest trends in the freelance job market for 2024. Solid Gigs:  Solid Gigs is a subscription-based service that curates freelance job listings and sends them directly to your inbox. It's designed to save you time by providing quality leads, potentially reducing competition compared to open job boards. We Work Remotely:  While not entirely new, this platform focuses on remote work opportunities. Competition may be lower for specialized skills in industries such as tech, design, and marketing. Craigslist (speci

Get ews certificate from your district

Get ews certificate from your district

 Are you unemployed? Preparing to get a job? Are you in the general category? Want to get a reservation? So you should have an ews certificate for the reservation quota.

In India, reservation policy plays an important role in all aspects of employment, business, or education. Until now, there were reservations for SCs, STs, OBCs, the physically challenged, and ex-servicemen, but there were no reservations in the general category.

Get ews certificate from your district

Preservation arrangements have also been made for the general public at present. Mainly in the case of economically weaker classes. So in today's post, I will discuss in detail the issues of where to get EWS CERTIFICATE for the economically weaker class i.e. ECONOMICALLY WEAKER SECTION, how many opportunities it has.

First, let's come to the question of what is EWS.

 What is meant by EWS?

EWS or financially weaker class means that all general categories include households with an annual income of less than Rs. ECONOMICALLY WEAKER SECTION is meant.

What is the use of EWS CERTIFICATE?

EWS CERTIFICATE is used in the case of admission in educational institutions, employment, and other government facilities such as scholarship, business loan and career service etc.

If you sit for the competitive examination for the government job, you will be covered as an EWS CERTIFICATE candidate in the same way as you get a reservation for SC, ST, OBC, PH, and EX-SERVICEMAN. And in this case, 10% of seats have been reserved.

If you sit for the IAS or IPS exam, you will also have the opportunity to save as an EWS candidate. Until now, the chances of ordinary candidates in the competitive examinations conducted by UPSC to get jobs in various positions in the central government have been quite low, but now with the EWS Certification, the chances of ordinary candidates have increased.

Having EWS CERTIFICATE in Railways and Defence will also increase your chances of getting a chance.

Even if you sit for the All India Examination for admission in IIT or IIMS, your chances of getting an opportunity will also increase due to having an EWS CERTIFICATE.

In the same way, there is a system of reservation of seats in the competitive examinations of various jobs of the state government. If you sit for the competitive exam for admission in MBBS or B.TECH, you will also get the benefit of reserving 10% seats.

Besides, if you want to be admitted to any government AIDED school or university, you will also get the benefit of reserving seats.


What are the requirements to get an EWS CERTIFICATE?

To get an EWS CERTIFICATE you need to have the following qualifications-

  • Your family income should be within 800,000 (eight lakh) rupees per annum.
  • The amount of agricultural land in your family cannot be 5 acres or more.
  • Your family should not have a house measuring 1000 square feet or more.
  • In the case of a municipal area, your family should not have a living space measuring 100 square yards.
  • In the case of people living outside the municipal area, your family should not have 200 square yards of residential land.
  • You cannot apply if you belong to SC, ST, OBC.

One thing you need to have a clear idea of ​​here is that your family refers to you, your parents, your spouse if you are married.

 The total annual income of all of them should be within eight lakh rupees. As a source of income for you and your family, the total annual amount of income from salary, income from agricultural land, house rent, business, or all other sources should be within that eight lakh rupees.

How to apply:

For EWS CERTIFICATE you need to Apply ADM or SDO. After verifying all the information based on your application, you will be given your income and property certificate in Annexure C format.

You will need to submit a PAY SLIP as proof of income. In the case of business, you need to submit the required documents as proof of your annual income. In the case of house and property, your house and property should be valued by the official VALUATOR.

 At the same time, in the case of agricultural land and eco-land, the concerned land officer i.e. BLRO. Will take the necessary information. An ENQUIRY will be made from the concerned department regarding your house and property. After checking all the aspects, if your annual income is within 800,000 (eight lakh) rupees, then you will get the required certificate.

You must specify your annual income, your assets, and your self-declaration of your CASTE in Annexure-B.

Information required to obtain income and property certificates

The following self-certified documents must be submitted for your income and assets.

 Voter Card of the applicant, proof of citizenship required if there is no voter card, Parent Voter Card

Applicant's PAN card, if not, parent's PAN card

BIRTH CERTIFICATE or ADMIT CARD of the secondary examination given by the concerned officer.


The ews certificate has become very important today. Especially when the unemployment problem has taken on a complex shape later on in Corona, it is acting as extra oxygen for the general category unemployed youth siblings.

Many of the educated siblings have taken the opportunity in the government institution of medical this year in the MBBS admission process of 2020. The demand will increase in the coming days. So my advice to you is not too late, apply now for ews.


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