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New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance

  New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance Finding a new freelance job site with low competition and a high chance of landing gigs can be challenging, as the landscape is constantly evolving. However, here are some platforms that were gaining popularity in the freelance world as of my last knowledge update in September 2021. Keep in mind that the competitive landscape may have changed since then, so it's essential to do your research and stay updated on the latest trends in the freelance job market for 2024. Solid Gigs:  Solid Gigs is a subscription-based service that curates freelance job listings and sends them directly to your inbox. It's designed to save you time by providing quality leads, potentially reducing competition compared to open job boards. We Work Remotely:  While not entirely new, this platform focuses on remote work opportunities. Competition may be lower for specialized skills in industries such as tech, design, and marketing. Craigslist (speci

How to Learn Freelancing In 5 Easy Steps

How to Learn Freelancing In 5 Easy Steps

The name freelancing is now very familiar. Many have taken it as a profession. That is why the tendency to learn to freelance has increased a lot. You need to learn about freelancing before you decide how to start freelancing.

What is freelancing?

Freelancing is a free profession in Bengal. The most talked about topic of the present time is freelancing. Freelancing is the work of an organization at any time, sitting at home or anywhere without working at the specified time.

How to Learn Freelancing In 5 Easy Steps


Since it can be done from home or anywhere with mobile and computer, it does not have to take an institution or office. Freelancing is currently being given more priority than ever before to maintain social distance for Covid-19 protocol in Europe and America.

Why Freelancing?

Why do freelance? There are many reasons for this, and some of them are mentioned. Most of the freelancing work does not require any academic certificate. Some work samples are shown in the demo or portfolio.

 Freelancing does not require much English proficiency. In addition, the skills of freelancing can be easily acquired. By doing a three-month six month and one-year course. In addition, freelancing can be done at home, so the cost of going to the office and the hassle can be avoided.

Ways to learn to freelance

Freelancing is a popular profession in 2021. Through this profession, a huge amount of money comes to the country from outside. So at present freelancing has become the preferred profession of most students in the country. But due to a lack of skilled mentors and proper guidelines, most interested students are not able to reach their desired goals.

My advice to them is that before they buy a course, they must know well about the mentor or the instructor. Can you do it or not? During the course, you need to practice enough every day after class and before the next class.

Do a lot of searching on YouTube and Google to get a good idea about the subject that the class will be about. Try to find out more information. Also, create some social profiles that will help you get a freelancing job. Also, try to work regularly for one year. Of course, there is no substitute for the guidance of a skilled and experienced mentor and your hard work to achieve quick success.

Freelancing Learning Books

There are several books available for learning to freelance now that you can gain a lot of knowledge about freelancing. If you want to get a better idea about freelancing. 

There are also different books available in the market to learn the different jobs of freelancing. If you go to Amazon and do a little search, you will find many good books to learn to freelance.

 However, it would not be wise to go straight to freelancing just by reading books. Because in freelancing there is more practical work than theoretical. However, if you do the two together, you will easily get good results.

Freelancing for whom?

Who will be able to give time to work efficiently at the international level?

Those who do not want to become millionaires quickly.

Freelancing career

Freelancing is a popular career for many people. Especially for those who have independent thinking and entrepreneurial mind. For those who want to get rid of the annoying situation of 5-9 hours of office work, it is also a profession of choice.

 However, freelancing can be a free profession, but it is difficult to accept. Not everyone is suitable for this job. For success as a freelance professional, you need a few characteristic traits and natural tendencies.

If you don't have at least some of these features, you'll soon find that working for your clients is more deadly than working with an office boss. Lots of people try to get freelancing for a year or two. Because freelancing may be an independent profession but it was not suitable for them.

To find out if a freelance career is for you, check out the following qualities.

Do you like to work alone?

Can you manage your time?

Can you encourage yourself?

Can you take the risk?

Do you have confidence?

Are you a good communicator?

Do you have skills?

If you have these qualities then a freelancing career will bring something good for you.

Learn about Freelancing  Marketplace:

There are currently many freelancing sites or freelancing marketplaces around the world. The most popular marketplaces are,, and

 In these marketplaces, you can work on any job by gaining skills. Such as SEO, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Graphics Design, Article Writing, Website Development, Website Design, Mobile App Creation, etc. Moreover, you will get the opportunity to work in different offices as a virtual assistant from this marketplace.

Graphics designers also include Graphics,,,, Adobe,,,,, font dot com, design hill dot com, etc.

Again, if you want to work as an article writer, then there are for you.

Popular occupations in freelancing:

The needs of people in all countries of the world are not the same. Similarly, the profession of choice of people in all countries of the world is not the same. An average number of people prefer marketing types such as search engine optimization SEO, social media marketing (SMM), costume action (CPA) marketing, and affiliate marketing professions.

On the other hand, the people of India prefer development-type occupations. Jobs such as WordPress themes, plugins, websites, email marketing tools, browser extension development, etc.

How to earn freelancing:

In a word, freelancing is better than a conventional job. Because the money of the country or company you are working for is higher than our country. On the other hand, as a result of higher labor wages in that country, the combined income of the freelancers is several times higher than the conventional job wages.

What is the future of freelancing?

The future of freelancing is very bright. Because marketing is needed to sell any product. As a result, the demand for marketing will increase day by day. Design is needed to present the product beautifully. This will require a designer. There will be a demand for new tools to make online business easier. Developers will be needed to meet that demand. This will create opportunities for developer work. In a word, the very future of freelancing.

How to Learn Freelancing In 5 Easy Steps


Establishing yourself in any work or any sector requires hard work, patience, and perseverance. You cannot be successful in a hurry. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it anymore. Otherwise, the results will come.

Grow your technical knowledge

You need to increase your technical knowledge to learn to freelance. You need to know some advanced things along with basic computer knowledge.

Choose the right skill

You need to choose the right skill. Keep your focus on the work you know best, whether it's data entry or graphic design.

Empower Your Communication Skills

Communication is an important part of freelancing work. That is why it is very important to learn your communication English, so to learn to freelance, you must learn English, especially communication English.


Increase your knowledge about marketing before you start freelancing. For example, when you create a gig on Fiverr, you will have an idea of ​​how your gig will appear on the first page.


Freelancing is a promising profession today. So if you want to come to this profession, you need to know How to Learn Freelancing. If you start freelancing without learning well in the current competitive market, you will have to get out of this profession in a few days, which will be unfortunate for you.


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