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New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance

  New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance Finding a new freelance job site with low competition and a high chance of landing gigs can be challenging, as the landscape is constantly evolving. However, here are some platforms that were gaining popularity in the freelance world as of my last knowledge update in September 2021. Keep in mind that the competitive landscape may have changed since then, so it's essential to do your research and stay updated on the latest trends in the freelance job market for 2024. Solid Gigs:  Solid Gigs is a subscription-based service that curates freelance job listings and sends them directly to your inbox. It's designed to save you time by providing quality leads, potentially reducing competition compared to open job boards. We Work Remotely:  While not entirely new, this platform focuses on remote work opportunities. Competition may be lower for specialized skills in industries such as tech, design, and marketing. Craigslist (speci

How Health Insurance Can Decrease Your Tension positively

How Health Insurance Can Decrease Your Tension Positively

Nowadays the importance of health insurance has increased a lot. People are taking out health insurance to protect themselves from untimely dangers in the medical field. If you want to do health insurance, you must have a basic idea about health insurance. That’s why today’s post gives you an idea about health insurance.

How Health Insurance Can Decrease Your Tension positively

What is Health Insurance

Health insurance is an agreement between an insurance company and a policyholder that provides financial compensation for certain medical expenses incurred by the insurer. The details of how much compensation and what treatment is covered depends on the policy purchased by the insurer.

 What costs can be covered by health insurance?

Physician consultation fees, medical diagnosis costs, ambulance charges, hospitalization costs, and, if necessary, limited amounts before and after hospitalization. To get this benefit you have to pay a premium to the insurer.

What to look for when buying health insurance?

It is true that most insurance companies offer health insurance plans that look similar. So, you need to compare and evaluate the offers mentioned in the policies and see which one of them meets most of your needs. Some of the important criteria you should consider before finalizing a health policy are insurance coverage, minimum entry age, amount of premium, details of coverage, renewal clause, amount of hospital room rent, exclusion, no claim bonus, and other incentives.

Why do health insurance?

A health insurance policy provides financial security for our emergency medical needs and helps during treatment due to various health problems.

Different types of health insurance policies

Personal health policy, where only the insurer's health expenses are covered.

Family health insurance, where all family members are covered under a single unit and the benefit is available to all or anyone in the family.

Related post : 

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Maternal health insurance:

Maternal health policies include antenatal, prenatal, and postnatal costs, neonatal up-to-date costs, and more.

Accident insurance:

The Personal Accident Policy covers costs in the event of an accident and consequent illness

The Critical Sickness Policy covers the insurer from certain serious diseases such as kidney failure, heart problems, etc.

 How does health insurance work in-network hospitals?

Most health insurance companies contract with specific hospitals known as network hospitals. Once you are admitted to the network hospital mentioned by your insurance provider you do not have to bear the medical expenses. You will have to pay a small portion of the total cost depending on the sum insured.

How does health insurance work outside of network hospitals?


If for any reason, you are admitted to a networkless hospital, you can get all costs refunded after discharge by providing hospital bills and discharge papers. However, it is mandatory to inform the insurance company before or immediately after hospitalization.


What is co-payment?

Co-payment refers to the amount that will be paid by the insurer for the medical services covered under the plan. This policy includes a plan-based co-pay (within 20-30%) based on the geographical location of hospitalization. This policy attracts 10% co-pay for hospital admissions to non-network hospitals.

Can you change your insurance money?

You can change your insured money at the time of renewal, but please keep in mind that the maximum insurance for insured persons aged 60 years and above will be limited to INR 200,000 / - and will accept a policy with us for the first time.

In which cases other than allopathy, health insurance is acceptable?

Alternatives, medicine, such as Ayurvedic, Homeopathy, or Unani, are taken in a government hospital or recognized by the government and/or an institute recognized by the Quality Council of India / National Accreditation Board of Health). Up to INR 20000 up to a maximum of 15% Insurance Ayurvedic Medicine and Homeopathy and Unani Treatment up to a maximum of 10% per policy term up to a maximum of Rs 15000.

Remaining insurance coverage

In case of accidental hospitalization, your remaining insurance coverage will be 125%, subject to a maximum of INR 1,00,000 / -

If you do not make a claim during the term of the policy, you will not receive a refund, but you are entitled to a 5% "added bonus" which can be credited up to 25%.

Health insurance portability

Health insurance portability will allow the policyholder to protect against isolation and loss of coverage against existing disease as a result of the decision to go to another insurer during its renewal.

Most health insurance policies offered by general insurance companies in India have a waiting period, with some existing diseases excluded from coverage. For a specified period of time (number of years) they are excluded before covering i.e. the policyholder is expected to have continuous coverage for a predetermined period and pre-existing diseases are expected to be covered under the policy.

 Affordability will ensure that these accrued benefits will be transferred to the new insurer during renewal and porting (without any loss) and the customer will not lose these accrued benefits when switching insurers using health insurance portability. The policyholder can port the following credits earned:

This refers to the cost of treatment by the insurer, 30 days immediately before and 60 days after hospitalization.

This refers to the payment of medical expenses incurred by the insurer during the specified day-care procedure/treatment (mentioned in the daycare surgery list), which takes less than 2 hours to be admitted to the hospital.

Is health insurance deposit tax-free?

Under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, deductions are made from taxable income for premiums paid for health insurance for oneself, wife, and dependent children - up to Rs. 25,000 for senior parents  Rs. 30,000 

Question and Answer

What is the age limit for SBI's health insurance?

The minimum age for entry into SBI General's health insurance policy is 18 years. However, children under 3 months of age can be covered by both parents, including SBI General's health insurance policy - retail. The maximum age for entry into the policy is 65 years.

"How to register for health insurance for SBI retired in case of lockdown?"

You can get health insurance with the help of a digital platform during the Covid-19 period.


Every family in the busy world is now much more health-conscious. That is why the demand for health insurance is increasing. Health insurance gives enough courage to the middle and lower-middle class. If you have health insurance for your family members one by one, you can spend your money according to the right plan and you can decrease your tension positively.



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