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New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance

  New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance Finding a new freelance job site with low competition and a high chance of landing gigs can be challenging, as the landscape is constantly evolving. However, here are some platforms that were gaining popularity in the freelance world as of my last knowledge update in September 2021. Keep in mind that the competitive landscape may have changed since then, so it's essential to do your research and stay updated on the latest trends in the freelance job market for 2024. Solid Gigs:  Solid Gigs is a subscription-based service that curates freelance job listings and sends them directly to your inbox. It's designed to save you time by providing quality leads, potentially reducing competition compared to open job boards. We Work Remotely:  While not entirely new, this platform focuses on remote work opportunities. Competition may be lower for specialized skills in industries such as tech, design, and marketing. Craigslist (speci

How To Prepare Yourself As a Web Developer


 How To Prepare Yourself As a Web Developer

At the beginning I will say what web developer does, web developers make web apps and websites. All the websites you visit online are usually websites or web apps, such as,

 A website usually has two parts

 1. design

 2. development. 

 Web owners can't see the development. Like on Facebook we can see the like button, we can see the post, we can comment. It's part of the design. But when we like it, it's being counted. Is attached, and the server of the website is like a memory card.

How To Prepare Yourself As a Web Developer

How many types of web developers

  1.  front-end web developer
  2.  back-end web developer
  3.  full-stack web developer

1.Front-end developer

Front-end developers are designers, they design the app or website with Photoshop, Illustrator, and they convert it into HTML, CSS, JavaScript code.

2. back-end web developer

Backend developers have to have a basic idea of ​​frontend development. But they don't design, they take code from the frontend developer and make the website dynamic. They turn it into an effective website that has an admin panel. New content can be added. In a word, the job of a backend developer is to make the website functional.

3 full-stack web developer

They are all-rounders. They do both design and development. They can do both batting and bowling well.

Many people may ask this question, it is better to be a full-stack web developer. Of course, you should think of becoming a full-stack web developer, but it takes a long time to become a full-stack web developer at the beginning, so you should start with one.

What programming languages ​​do you need to learn to be a web developer?


HTML is a mark language. It is used to mark where the header of the website will be, where the footer will be, where the sidebar will be.


CSS is the design of pages that are marked with HTML so that the website looks pretty attractive.

3 JavaScript and JQuery

After learning HTML, CSS, you need to learn JavaScript and JQuery. Websites are made interactive with JavaScript and JQuery.

4 Responsive design

Website users can view from different devices, it is desktop, laptop, Android phone, tab. Therefore, for the content of the website to be seen on all devices, the website has to be responsive.

5 Bootstrap

Bootstrap for you to learn after learning the above 4. It is a framework. If you learn the above 4 well, you will find it very easy.

Then you need to learn server site programming language, with which you can make your designed website dynamic and functional.

There are many  server site programming languages

1 PHP 2 Ruby 3 Python 4 Nodes.

You have to learn anyone, you will get confused when you learn everything.

After learning the server site language, you need to learn WordPress or Laravel. However, it is best to learn WordPress, because e-commerce websites are built with WordPress.

Next, you have to learn Git. Because a website always has to be updated. If you learn Git, you can control the website from any end.

If you want to be a front-end developer then you have to learn UIX, if you want to be a back-end developer you have to learn server site language PHP, Ruby, Python well. Along with this, you have to learn Basic ACO and Basic Photoshop.

Job opportunities for web developers

1 You can work as a web developer for different software companies. You will manage the website of that company, make a website for the client on their behalf.

2 Freelancing

Web developers will be able to work on a contract basis at various freelance marketplaces Fiverr, Upwork,

3 Own business

You can run your own software development company, and offer software to different companies there.

How Much Money Do Web Developers Make

You may work as a web developer in a software company, the salary can be 50 to 60 thousand. But if you work in a software company in a developed country, the salary will be 2 to 3 thousand dollars. Dollars are nothing, but in our country, it costs a lot of money to cash in. And freelancing is not a fixed job, it is a contract-based job.

Some common questions

How long it will take to learn web development, the answer will depend on how much time you give seriously. But you can learn if you give 3 hours seriously every day for 1 year. You can learn developing. In the beginning, it will seem very difficult to you, but later it will seem not so difficult.

Now let me tell you about a web development course

If you want a detailed course on web development, you can do it from a reputed institute. You can take a web developer course from Seattle central college, University of Hartford, Indiana University. These are all post-graduate courses.

You can do these courses from Madras IIT in India, Jadavpur in Kolkata.

From where will you learn how about web development at no cost?

You can learn web development for free from Free Code Camp, a popular channel on YouTube.

They teach courses like Python, Data Science, JavaScript, Design, etc.

Can You learn web development online?

Udemy is an online learning institute that offers over 80,000 online courses in a wide variety of categories including web development.  You pay for each course separately. but you can preview some of the lectures for free. And the courses range from beginner to advanced.

You can collect some books from Amazon.

Written by David Kadavy

Designs for hackers

HTML and CSS: Design and build a website

Learning Web Design: An Apprentice's Guide to Jennifer Robbins

Designed with web standards by Jeffrey Zeldman.

CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standard Solution

Read these books will make your theory sections better knowledge.


Currently, the demand for web developers on freelancing platforms has increased a lot. The competition for income has increased by creating online websites, blogging, and social media pages. So web developers are constantly needed to make the business more popular by creating websites or creating apps with a skilled web developer. That is why the demand will increase in the coming days.



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