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New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance

  New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance Finding a new freelance job site with low competition and a high chance of landing gigs can be challenging, as the landscape is constantly evolving. However, here are some platforms that were gaining popularity in the freelance world as of my last knowledge update in September 2021. Keep in mind that the competitive landscape may have changed since then, so it's essential to do your research and stay updated on the latest trends in the freelance job market for 2024. Solid Gigs:  Solid Gigs is a subscription-based service that curates freelance job listings and sends them directly to your inbox. It's designed to save you time by providing quality leads, potentially reducing competition compared to open job boards. We Work Remotely:  While not entirely new, this platform focuses on remote work opportunities. Competition may be lower for specialized skills in industries such as tech, design, and marketing. Craigslist (speci

Start freelance with the help of Google Digital Garage


Start freelance with the help of Google Digital Garage

Freelancing is one of the most important ways to earn money online. And for that, you can get help from Google Digital Garage to get yourself ready.

What is Google Digital?

Google has introduced a variety of courses on digital marketing on a free-of-cost basis. From this, you can learn about digital marketing. And on learning, you will also get a valid certificate from Google.

How to get started?

Start freelance with the help of Google Digital Garage

For this, you will search online by typing Google Digital Research. Searching will take you to a new page. Click on the Register option there. A form will appear in front of you.

Write your name on the form, three questions of email preference such as whether you want to receive emails to improve your digital, Google's research partner will contact you in the email, in which case you will accept those emails, etc.

After completing these you go to the next page.

Here you can choose the course of your choice. You can see how many modules of a course and how long it will take.

Who is Google Digital Garage for?

Google Digital Garage is open to candidates of all ages. If you want to grow your business or start a new business, you need to increase your knowledge online. And you can get the basic knowledge of that knowledge from now on. Here you can take courses of 40 hours and more completely for free.

Now, you must be wondering if this course has anything to do with freelancing? I would say there is a relationship. Suppose, you want to work on the digital market of freelancing. Then having a basic idea of ​​how to grow your client's business will make your job easier.

Course providers:

In addition to Google with Google Digital Courses, these courses are provided by multiple organizations such as Grasshopper, Coursera, Darden School of the Business University of Virginia, Deakin University, Google Cloud, Monash University, etc.

What will you learn?

Here you will find 26 modules on the basic concepts of digital marketing. It will take 40 minutes to complete these 26 modules. These include important courses such as how to get a website to your business goals, how to make your website easy to use, ideas on what to look for when designing a website, and what to look for when designing a website. Through this course, you will get knowledge about what should be done.

How to use freelancing?

Suppose, you want to get a job on website designing on a freelancing site. In that case, if you have a basic idea about how to design a website, it will be easily accepted by Google or any other ad network. Your success depends in large part on the file that you put in your cover letter as proof of your work, depending on the bid you submit.

Plan your online business strategy:

You can do this course to know how you can take your business online, how it can benefit your business, get an idea about the needs of your customers, and the competition of your business.

This course will give you an idea of ​​what you need to do to improve your business. This strategic course is divided into five lessons to make a business stand out online. It will take 30 minutes.

Search Engine Course:

From this course, you will get a good idea about the search engine through Google Digital Garage. To get a basic idea about search engines, how a search engine works, how a website comes up in search engine, what is organic search, what exactly do we mean by paid search, also you will get an idea about how Google search console works through this course.

You only need to spend 45 minutes on this course. You can complete the entire course in six lessons.

How to use the knowledge of this course:

This Google Digital Garage course can show you many ways to earn online. If you search on freelancing sites you will see that there are many clients who are looking for people who know SEO. Some clients look for developers to rank their webpages. In this course, you will get the basic idea of ​​what to keep in mind in order to rank in the search engine, how to write that post, how to get a more organic search from the post.

This course is very useful for those who want to make money by writing articles, or content, or blogging as a profession by using their writing skills.

This course will be especially useful for you if you want to earn by working as a search engine evaluator.

Get Discover With Search:

SEO is one of the most important parts of online earning on a digital platform, especially in the case of blogging or websites. The role of SEO is very important in getting your page ranked. So it is very important to have knowledge about SEO.

In this lesson, you will get a basic idea about SEO. You will learn how to search for keywords to write a post, how to do SEO to make the most beautiful, also how to do SEO settings, etc. You will get knowledge through this post.

Make search work for you:

With the Google Digital Garage's Digital Marketing Modules, Search Work for you-Lessons, you'll get an idea of ​​how to make your web page search-friendly.


Earning online has become very difficult for ordinary students as there are not many courses or syllabi in the traditional education system for earning income online. Even if they have thematic knowledge, they cannot earn due to a lack of proper guidance.

In this situation, the Google Digital Garage course on various skills will play a role like a blind stick to ordinary students in the future.

Many educated people use Google's search engine, but this course will help you learn how to make money using search engines, how to increase your sales by getting your business online, or how to protect yourself by using digital platforms. In other words, you can digitally train yourself from here.



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