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New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance

  New Freelance Job Site for Low Competition High Chance Finding a new freelance job site with low competition and a high chance of landing gigs can be challenging, as the landscape is constantly evolving. However, here are some platforms that were gaining popularity in the freelance world as of my last knowledge update in September 2021. Keep in mind that the competitive landscape may have changed since then, so it's essential to do your research and stay updated on the latest trends in the freelance job market for 2024. Solid Gigs:  Solid Gigs is a subscription-based service that curates freelance job listings and sends them directly to your inbox. It's designed to save you time by providing quality leads, potentially reducing competition compared to open job boards. We Work Remotely:  While not entirely new, this platform focuses on remote work opportunities. Competition may be lower for specialized skills in industries such as tech, design, and marketing. Craigslist (speci

Coronavirus vs global team

Coronavirus vs global team

From the beginning of the 21st century onwards, the whole world has been in a state of catastrophe since World War II. The world may not have been involved in a major war for some time with a little education from the past wars.

 But I or we are the best in the world, many have struggled economically to prove this fact. It was like one family member competing with another, one family competing with another family, one race with one community. But whatever the competition today Coronavirus vs.Global team ! the Coronavirus has put everyone on the same line. 

On the one hand, is the attack of Corona and on the opposite side the fight for the survival of the whole human race. Right now the  is in front of a strange fight. That's horrible! Fighting the invisible forces! I do not know how to kill the enemy.

 However, even if Corona is ahead, it seems that the Global Team will be able to keep the rush of the game in their hands. And the last winning goal will be won by a penalty. The penalty is due to the fact that the Corona Team will weaken its defense by making an extra attack and for that reason, those who are the frontline strikers of the six hundred crore team will be able to surround Corona and handball him in the penalty box. The Global Team is just waiting for Corona to find the weak spot. Which is to say in cricket terms, "Now if the pitch is tight, wait for the Loose Ball".

use of mask

However, like a cut at the end of a match, at the end of the fight, you will have to calculate where the injury occurred, or what you got as a trophy ! how much or how much it cost. Who is the man of the match, the coach or who! Which formula won the match! and so on.

Today, the value of what was found as a trophy after winning the Corona fight is far greater than the honor given to the winning team after winning a World Cup. The whole world today is eager to win after a long struggle. Just as the organizer's organization awards the winning team after winning the trophy, in this match the organizer has given this six hundred crore team a "new world" as a prize.

 God has given the earth a lot of pollution-free gifts as a reward value. It is not possible to judge the polluted rivers as a gift by having a long lockdown around the world. Corona doctors or defenders of the Coronation Stadium, the world-renowned strikers and defenders who have won the match, must claim success. 

However, the great player who the man of the match by the winning goal i.e. the inventor of the medicine of coronavirus that scientist who will be awarded the man of the match, what a difference!

Did the organizer give the gift of pollution-free air or river just as a reward? No, how many more gifts he has given to the world. During the lockdown and after the lockdown, millions of peasants who worked tirelessly to provide food for the entire world - were found dead in the wealthy sections of the so-called society.

 Most of them may have realized that chewing money does not fill their stomachs. How important it is to save those who provide food in society, how important it is to preserve their agricultural land.

 God has given another important lesson too in the gift of winning a Corona match. It is better to use research in the welfare of the people and environment than to create mutual exploitation by applying science and technology.

 In fact, it was not the statesmen who did not know - seeing their intense competition and mutual intolerance that was taking the world in a deep crisis, the natural goddess seemed to have decided that it was time to teach them a little. 

This is not what she has already taught through small events; she taught through earthquakes, sometimes through tsunamis or sometimes through super cyclones.

 But we didn't care. We, the people of the world, have never made the same decision as Lockdown before. The great surprise is that the world today is not busy making weapons or arms, nuclear bombs or fighter jets! everyone is busy making pesticides to kill Corona. So it goes without saying that the value of education is not less than the value of a World Cup trophy called the world level Coronavirus  vs.the Global Team that is Corona final match.

What is more, after a World Cup final match, the winning team organizes various events to win the match, so the heroes of the World Cup and the various ways to enjoy the match will enjoy the cinema made in Hollywood, Bollywood or Tollywood. The next day time will be gone. Members of the global team may again be in competition with their old rhythm. Nature Goddess will be ready to teach again.

But if the malicious virus called Corona is a human-made biological weapon rather than nature, then it is to be said that the life we ​​are getting today seems to last longer. The world is in the grip of the end. If we do not learn from the remarkable reduction of air and water pollution levels in these few days, we will be responsible for the end result of this world - no doubt.


Coronavirus has taught us a lot. The most important thing that Corona taught us is that it has made us disciplined. During this time, the crime has reduced. The police and the administration have mobilized. Corona reminded the king of the existence of the people, not just the king's welfare. It has also increased people's patience and tolerance.

 Corona, on the one hand, has given the people a chance to reorganize the country, and on the other hand, how to keep the common people at a low cost, has told them how to plan for the next day.

Corona may have taken nearly a million or more lives from our relatives, but if we cannot take some lessons from it, it is an extreme failure for us. The Corona disaster has taught the most to the lower middle class and the poorest of the world.

 Another interesting fact is that the lion's share of the world's population is of this class. If a lion's share of the world demands an equal distribution of wealth and money, the whole world will be facing a catastrophe again. So the rulers of the world have to think again how in the future so that people do not die of starvation.

Not only that, but we also have a responsibility to sustain our lost loved ones. It is our responsibility to maintain the oxygen cycle in the way that Corona has helped us in taking fresh oxygen. So we can say that even if we win the match against Corona on the  Corona vs. Global Team match, we must admit that the teacher played a role in the backlash.

With Thanks!


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